Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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We partner with trusted third-party shipping companies to offer a variety of delivery options, such as local and international shipping, express deliveries, bulk shipments, and courier services.

You can schedule a delivery by using our shipping calculator, which is available on the home page and the Ship a Package page. Simply enter the sender's address, the recipient's address, and the parcel's weight. After clicking the Get Quote button, you'll see a list of delivery options to choose from. Once you select an option, you'll be directed to a website where you can provide additional details and complete the process to send your parcel.

If you have any questions or need help, you can contact our support team through live chat, email, phone, or by using the contact form on our website.

Once your booking is complete, you'll receive a tracking number. You can use it to check your package's status on our website or the shipping provider's platform.

Green delivery truck with a clock icon

Tracking and Delivery

Hand truck with two stacked boxes

Shipping Services

Cardboard box with a globe partially inside it

International Shipping

Two credit cards, one blue and one white, slightly overlapping

Pricing and Payments

Hand holding a green banknote

Returns and Refunds

Icon of a bald person in a teal shirt

Account and Support

A cardboard box with a closed lid and a label on the front

Packaging Guidelines

A package with a shield symbol

Shipping Policies

Yellow star with a black outline

Special Services

Calendar icon with a clock in the top left corner

Delivery Timeframes

Yellow triangular warning sign with an exclamation mark

Claims and Issues

Red starburst with a percentage symbol

Promotions and Discounts